Answered By: Karen Janke Last Updated: Aug 10, 2022 Views: 69
We have two ways to access Zero to Three online.
1. For issues from 1 March 2014 to the present, you can using the Ebsco database Consumer Health Complete. Either search by desired article or topic, or select Advanced Search, then click on the link to Publications.
2. For issues back to 2010, you can access content on the Zero to Three website. See instructions below.
For all other issues, we have the complete run of ZTT in print in the library.
Using the Zero to Three website requires a few extra steps due to our online authentication process. You can access digital copies of the journal going back to 2010, but first you need to set up an account using your Erikson email address. Below are some best practices we recommend following to make your Zero to Three experience better.
Getting to the Journal on the ZTT Website
Zero to Three can be found quickly by selecting A-Z Databases under the Research tab in the top menu. Scroll down to the bottom and click the link to the journal. OR click here: Zero to Three website
What can you access?
- Digital copies of Zero to Three going back to 2010 are available on the website, and once you log into your account you may search the archives.
- You can download digital versions of the entire journal or find an individual article by using the search box in the top. Your mileage for that option may vary as a search will also reveal content that is not part of our subscription.
- Access varies according to when the article was published. Newer articles are available either in the digital issue or as an individual web page. Older articles are available as PDF downloads, though users must download the entire issue.
Some webinars, tools, videos, plan/play sheets and other professional development related materials are not accessible through your Erikson account. You may see a padlock icon at the top of the item, and the status of the padlock indicates whether it is accessible or not.
Setting up your account
1. Click Sign In in the top right corner.
2. Select Create an Account, fill in the information. Be sure to use your Erikson email address so that Zero to Three knows you are affiliated with our subscription. Use of personal, non-Erikson email will not allow you access to the journal or archives.
Finding Articles
- Generally, we don’t recommend using the Zero to Three website as a search engine. It’s best used to access the individual journal issues.
- However, if you do conduct a search be sure to pay attention to the padlock symbol at the top of each item. When conducting a general search, your results will include a variety of materials including journal articles and professional materials that you may or may not have access to.
If you have additional questions or encounter difficulties accessing Zero to Three, please contact us by chat or send an email to
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